HPB: The Hierarchial Link:
Among the commandments of Tsong-Kha-pa there is one that enjoins the
Arhats to make an attempt to enlighten the world, including the 'white barbarians,' every century, at a certain specified
period of the cycle. The Secret Doctrine HPB, V 396 Adyar Edition; III 412, 3rd ed.
It may be asked in what relation Our Teaching stands to the one already given
by Us through Blavatsky. Answer that each century, after the manifestation of a detailed exposition, a conclusive culmination
is given, which actually moves the world, along the line of humanness. Thus, Our Teaching includes the "Secret Doctrine" of
Blavatsky. FW1 79.
Let there be no mistake, the movement initiated by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
was an integral part of a Hierarchical plan. AAB. AB 172.
The teaching of The Masters as put forward by their direct messenger H. P. Blavatsky.
KH Letters.
I have asked H. P. B. to send you a number of philosophical letters from a Dutch
Theosophist at Penang -- one in whom I take an interest: you ask for more work and her -- one is some. They are translations,
originals of those portions of Schoppenhauer which are most in affinity with our Arhat doctrines. KH Letters.
Higher and initiated chelas such as H.P.B. Letters of Mahatmas M and KH.
If you could accept the fact that every phase of the
so-called new thought, the later scientific discoveries and results of inventive genius for the good of man, were either the
results of advantage taken of the knowledge given out by the command of the Great White Lodge, first through the Initiate
H.P.B. (Madame Blavatsky), secondly by W. Q. J. (Wm. Q. Judge), and thirdly through the Temple; or were
the perversion of such knowledge by the self-interested to the injury of mankind, you would be better able to appreciate the
depth and importance of seemingly simple directions, and the necessity for fully learning the alphabet of occult science,
as given in the Temple Teachings, and so guard yourselves against the danger you must ultimately meet when you begin to use
the letters of that alphabet to form the words and interpret the same; in other words, apply the Wisdom and Knowledge
you, have gained to the solution of the material problems which will confront you. Temple Artisan Teachings. Master Hilarion.
Francia la Due.
Our much prized representative, Helena Blavatsky. Ibid.
We employ agents - the best available. Of these for the past thirty years the
chief has been the personality known as H.P.B. to the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very troublesome, no doubt,
she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of our finding a better one for years to come.
With occult matters she has everything to do... She is our direct agent.
(Signed) KH. Path, October, 1893. WQJ.
In lesser degree this comes to all, and to the arhat (or initiate of the fourth
degree) this complete isolation is a characteristic feature. He stands midway between life in the three worlds and that in
the world of adepts. His vibration does not synchronize, prior to initiation, with the vibrations of either group. Under the
law he is alone. But this is only temporary. When the environment satisfies then is the moment of anxiety; it indicates stagnation.
TWM. 263. DK.
Know that the knower greater is than knowledge; the One who seeks is greater
than the sought. CF 850.
Extracts from Letters to Helena Roerich Vol I 17 February 1934:
It is said by the Great Teacher, "Only Blavatsky knew," and it is our duty to
rehabilitate the memory of this great woman martyr. If you only knew all the slanderous literature about Mme Blavatsky, all
the betrayals and the perfidy around her, you would be horrified. So much ingratitude, viciousness and ignorance. Of course,
all hideousness results from the latter.
I often receive information about the reincarnation of H. P. Blavatsky. Several
English Theosophists have identified her in a little English girl born in India. Besides this, I myself often receive letters
in which people address me as H. P. Blavatsky, and ask permission to come and see me! But I assure you that I am not the incarnation
of H. P. Blavatsky.
H. P. Blavatsky reincarnated about forty years ago, and in 1924 she safely arrived
at the main Stronghold in her physical body. I am very much touched by your reverence toward H. P. Blavatsky. It would be
wonderful if you could write an article about this lion-hearted woman. It would be good if someone would lay a first foundation
stone in reverence to her memory.
Most certainly she was the bearer of the entrusted knowledge. Definitely, of
all the Theosophists, only H. P. Blavatsky had the privilege of receiving the Teaching directly from the Great Teachers in
one of their Ashrams in Tibet. She was the great spirit who accepted the bitter task of giving to humanity, lost in dead dogma
and on its way to atheism, the impulse to study the great sacred Doctrines of the East. Precisely, only through H. P. Blavatsky
was it possible to approach the White Brotherhood, as she was the link in the Hierarchic Chain.
[At this stage he is an Arhat, and can assimilate the Fires of Space. (He is
what is called a "Carrier of Fire"-a high initiate.) FWIII. Master Morya.]
But some of those who surrounded her were very much beneath her fiery spirit
and heart; yet in their self-conceit they thought of reaching alone the Heights, ignoring the Hierarchical link as well as
her merit. In their jealousy, they slandered, criticized and inveighed against her, the one who had given them everything,
who trusted them. But all those self-deluded, arrogant people achieved nothing, for the law of Hierarchy is immutable.
In the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, and in The Mahatma Letters, you will find
the statement that H. P. Blavatsky was the Hierarchical link which, if neglected, would cause complete failure. And now the
self-deluded ones who have passed into the Subtle World and are surrounded by their followers are probably even further away
from the Stronghold of the White Brotherhood than ever. Whereas, our great compatriot, because of her fiery striving, was
incarnated (in Hungary) almost immediately after her death, and now it has been ten years since she arrived in her physical
body at the main Stronghold and under the name of Brother X is working for the salvation of humanity.
Thus acts Cosmic Justice. H. P. Blavatsky was a great martyr in the real sense
of the word. The envy, slander and persecution of the ignorant killed her, and her work remained unfinished. The concluding
volume of The Secret Doctrine could not be given. Thus people deprive themselves of the highest. I much revere the great spirit
and fiery heart of our country-woman, and I know that in the Russia of the future her name will be fittingly honored. H. P.
Blavatsky should truly evoke our national pride. Great martyr for Light and Truth! May Glory always be with her!
You ask whether it is possible to trust the writings of Olcott. Indeed, much
more than many others. His first works are the best, for by accepting the authority of H. P. Blavatsky he came under the Ray
of the Great Teachers. You know about the immutable law of Hierarchy. Only through H. P. Blavatsky was it possible to approach
the White Brotherhood. Extracts from Letters to Helena Roerich Vol I 17 February 1934.
When a man has reached a certain development and can be of service to the world,
cases occur when he is over-shadowed by a great adept, or - as in the case of H. P. B.- by One greater than an adept. TCF
Jeremy Condick.